Why You Need Faith In Your Creative Business

Faith isn’t reserved for just the spiritual part of your life. Applying it in your business is essential to having the success you want from your work.

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

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Defining Faith

I consider myself a person of faith. I was raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon), and still am very active in my church.

I served for two years as a missionary in Washington D.C. – I paid my own way to live in the D.C. area and preach the gospel and serve as many people as I could in that time period.

In the past, faith was akin to “blind obedience”, or “doing it for spiritual reasons”.

But now, after the experiences of the last few years, I define it this way:

Faith = Belief + Action

In a spiritual sense, this could mean that we live our lives in a way that aligns with the things we believe in – that there is a God, whose Son came to earth to atone for our sins, and if we live righteously we will be blessed in eternity.

That belief in God and in the gospel of Jesus Christ determines the actions I take on a daily basis.

Applying Faith To A Creative Business

So how to apply that to our work lives.

First, it helps to know what you believe in. A few examples:

  • If I work hard, I’ll be rewarded
  • If I put the needs of others first, the money will follow
  • If I am honest in my dealings with others, I’ll attract honest partners
  • More money isn’t inherently better, it’s merely a tool that I can utilize to do more good.
  • Mastering my mindset is an important key to success as a creative business owner

Having those beliefs alone doesn’t lead to any results. I can believe all day that “if I watch enough shows on Netflix, I’ll one day be asked to create my own show for the platform and work with the best actors and make millions of dollars”.


The beliefs have to be based in some sort of reality, but also need to be matched with equivalent action.

Having that sense of alignment, where our actions support our beliefs, leads to those beliefs being reinforced and realized over time.

I’ve found that to be true in my own career. By checking in regularly to make sure that my actions are supporting and reinforcing my beliefs, I find that the “blessings” come.

How to implement this principle:

List out the things you believe to be true in business.

For each one, ask what set of actions would support that belief (or what inaction would cost you).

Check in regularly with your actions and your beliefs to make sure that they are in alignment. Be grateful for the moments when your beliefs are reinforced in different ways, and when things aren’t working out, use your FAITH as a guide to what it is you want in your creative life and take action to make it real.