A Note About The Sponsor of Blockbuster - Lulu!

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I've got some exciting news that I've been waiting to share with you!
It started with a chance meeting at CEX in 2022 with the team at Lulu.com. They happened to be sponsoring the event, and I happened to be there handing out my book... the book that they had printed.
I had chosen to self-distribute my book and found that the simplest way to do that was to set up a Shopify store and use the Lulu integration.
Lulu turned out to be a great partner, and even supported me in gifting 300 copies of my book to the Craft + Commerce conference last year.
When I had the idea for this next book I spoke with a number of "hybrid publishers". Companies that shared the belief that the traditional approach was broken and unfair to authors. I was excited to meet with them, but quickly realized it was a "same horse, different jockey" situation. Arguably even worse, in some ways - you're "paying to play", meaning you pay this hybrid publisher for their labor up front, and then get a better residual or share of the revenue once the book sells.
If the book sells...
The idea of spending $8,000 or more to get my book published and then only earning 50-60% of the royalties didn't sit right with me. I was doing all of the heavy lifting. Yet they stood to make more than I did up to the point where I sold ~20,000 copies of my book.
My last book has sold ~250 copies...
There's also the concern around wanting to do whatever I want whenever I want with my book. What if I want to gift 300 copies to an event? In this hybrid model, I'd have to buy the books from them at cost, which means I couldn't use other printing companies that may be cheaper or even free. I wouldn't own the work product I paid for for five years.
It's not ideal, to say the least. Plus, I value my independence too much to give away the rights to something I created.
So, that brings us to this month.
I have been chatting with my favorite people over at Lulu and came to find that they would be the perfect team to partner with on this next book. So that's what we're doing.
Matt - their VP of Marketing, who I met and worked with at last year's conferences mentioned earlier - and I sat for coffee (and hot chocolate) at this year's Craft + Commerce in Boise. We chatted about my plans for this next book, to write and publish the book in public, and that there was a perfect partnership there waiting for us to both say "Yes!"
And so we did.
This book is proudly sponsored by Lulu. You'll see and read much more about them as I continue to share chapters and publish them each week. We'll be working together on editing, layout, cover design, and possibly even distribution.
I couldn't be happier and I hope that if you're thinking about writing a book you'll do two things:
- Check out Lulu.com and chat with the team there, even if you haven't started writing. You'll see a path forward to getting your book into the world that doesn't involve you giving away the rights to your words.
- Check out this free workshop I did a few months ago about how to write and publish your book.
If you have any questions about this partnership, just email me and let me know! I'm a *cough cough* open book.
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