BCC Newsletter 063

After attending (and speaking at!) the Craft + Commerce conference in Boise last week, I'm coming into this week with a renewed sense of purpose, a new vision for my business(es), and an exciting new project to tell you about today!

But first, I wasn't lying! I was literally given a chance to speak at Craft + Commerce, thanks to LuLu who is a sponsor of the conference and the company that I use to print my books!

Here's me on the main stage!

I'll share more about this later this week, so be sure to follow me on Twitter to see the thread ;)

Here are the links, if you want to skip the summaries and get straight to the good stuff:

My Next Book Project (!!!): The 10k Creator

New Podcast Episode: Talking Community with Danielle Maveal

Tweet of the Week: 5 Things I'd Do Differently After Creating 18 Courses

Newsletter to Check Out: Create & Sell from Brennan Dunn

New Video To Watch: 10X Bigger Results from Dr. Benjamin Hardy

More info on each of these links below:


As a screenwriter, you're often required to juggle the current project that you're out on the town pitching with your next project, so that you've always got at least one screenplay that you're "shopping", and one that you're working on.

(Ideally, you've also got one in production!)

I've taken that same advice and applied it to the next book project that I'm starting TODAY as I continue to promote the Craftsman Creative book over the next year.

The 10k Creator is another write-in-public experiment since the first time doing that with a book worked out better than I'd hoped.

I doubled my Twitter following and added 300+ people to my newsletter through the writing of that book, and I fully expect this one to be 10X bigger, judging solely on momentum and the opportunities that the first book has already brought into my life.

In this book, I'll document the process in real-time of growing an audience of 10k email subscribers, and my personal creator business (not including film producing) to $10k monthly revenue.

I'm in a unique position to write about this in real-time, which I feel will be a huge benefit to those who get the book and read it.

I'm kicking the project off today with the Table of Contents, which you can check out here:



This last week I had the opportunity to chat with (and learn from!) Danielle Maveal, the head of community over at Burb.co.

She has crazy deep experience in this space, having run community at Etsy, Bark, Airbnb, Lyft, and now Burb.

In this week's podcast, we went deep on

  • how to start and grow your community as a creator
  • how to make the shift from an audience of followers to a community of members
  • strategies for how to run a successful community

Check out the episode here:


This thread took off and resonated with a lot of people over on Twitter.

I've had some success and many failures creating courses over the last two years and shared the top five things I'd do differently in this thread:

Daren | Craftsman Creative💡
June 24th 2022


Brennan Dunn is a master of email marketing and automation and is the creator of the new email template builder, Palladio.

I've been following him for years, and recently discovered we were both part of Rob Fitzpatrick's Non-Fiction Writer's group, and then we were able to meet at CEX back in May!

He's even more awesome in person than online, but you can get a slice of that awesomeness through his newsletter, Create & Sell, where he shares in-depth email marketing advice for creators.

Get the newsletter for free here:

Create & Sell Newsletter


I'm kicking myself that I didn't take the opportunity to meet Benjamin Hardy while at Craft + Commerce.

Technically, he spoke after me at the event on the main stage 😂 but that would be exaggerating a bit on my part.

His talk, however, was probably my favorite of the day. He spoke about the tension between our current and future selves and how we can use that to grow and progress faster, and then he dove into a simple framework to get 10x results in your life and business.

Unfortunately, he cut the talk short before he got through all 5 steps, and I needed to know what number 5 was!

After a little internet sleuthing, I discovered this video on his YouTube channel that covered much of what he shared on stage, so you get to see what I'm talking about here when I say it was a killer talk.

Looking to grow your creative business? Sign up for free to get the Craftsman Creative BCC Newsletter with actionable tips every week to create a profitable, resilient creative business.